Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bienvenue to Beijing 2008 - Welcome to Beijing 2008

Welcome China - Beijing 2008!!!

A very interesting opportunity to see what's going on during this event in this big sport event.

In this website, I'll try to give more information about all the activities of the Show. You'll find all needed details such as :

- Names of Participants per discipline and Country;

- Disciplines taking part;

- Stadiums where games are present;

- Photos of Stadiums, Athlets, Ceremonials, Spectators, Beijing, People of Beijing...

- Results each day with resumee,

- etc.

Bienvenue Chine - Beijing 2008!!!

Une très interéssante opportunité de voir et suivre les événements qui s'y déroulement tout au long de la Compétition.

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